JAKARTA - President-elect Joko Widodo said the advantages of the implementation of direct elections.
First, he said that if the elections directly, criteria for prospective participants can direct election to public attention.
"If elected directly, it will be more attention to the people," said Joko Widodo or Jokowi greeting Marunda towers in the area, North Jakarta, Thursday (25/09/2014).
Secondly, Jokowi said people have the right political and sovereign people to determine who will lead.
"In the election, anyone who have best character and understand about community problems will be the leader," Jokowi said.
Third, further Jokowi, with direct elections chosen by the people, who elected regional head has a moral burden and responsibility to society.
"The third, the head would be morally burdened if elected by the people. He must pay attention to the people, because he was chosen by them, not when the council selected. Definitely different," said the man who still holds the office as Governor of DKI Jakarta.
News Source: tribunnews.com
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